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Bliv medlem - Help Your Next  

Bliv medlem

Year's contingent for membership in the Help Your Next is 25,- DKK. All persons aged 12 years may be admitted as members. We need your support and help. If we stand together we can accomplish much. If you help us - you help the poor. Register as a member of the following e-mail: mail@helpyournext.dk

Write your name and address, e-mail and mobil number. All incoming donations go to relief efforts.

Use the form on the right for membership.

Contingent and donations can be paid / transferred to:

Bank: Sparekassen DANMARK: - Account: 9070 2070964573

MobilePay: 20712159



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Bliv medlem

Alle felter skal udfyldes

Jeg har læst og accepteret foreningens persondatapolitik